🟢100 Sepolia ETH = $25.00

Sepolia ETH testnet coins do not have any monetary value. What you are paying is a service fee to obtain them faster.

Send 25 USDT or USDC to the address below

You can also transfer $25.00 worth of ETH / BNB / MATIC

Transaction fees are not included.

You should use personal wallet to send payment and receive Sepolia ETH. DO NOT send payment from exchanges to our address.


Supported Networks

  • Ethereum

  • BNB Chain

  • Polygon

  • Optimism

  • Arbitrum

  • Linea

You will receive Sepolia ETH to the wallet address that sent the payment once the transaction is confirmed.

Normally orders will be confirmed & processed within 5 minutes.

1600+ orders have been processed over a year


Got problem? Contact us via telegram: https://t.me/sepolia_faucet

Last updated